
  • Hyperserial AV Performance


The audiovisual performance "Thermo-ton" is the fourth episode of Tatsuru Arai's hyper-serial music series. This work expands the history of serialism as a method of 20th century music composition by incorporating new technologies, especially artificial intelligence. It renews the principles of serialism and reaches the limits of human auditory perception. In this most recent work, the composer continues to develop the expression of hyper-serial music from earlier works (Arkhitek-ton, 2016/17; Matters-ton, 2017/18; Quantum-ton, 2018/19) and investigates the dynamics of energy, from heat to cold, translating it into sound and image with the help of algorithms. The contrast of complex image and sound structures, compositions of artificial intelligence and his own classical compositions, creates the maximum dramaturgy of his performances.

    Where to see:

  • Friday



    Art Museum Reutlingen

    Kunst­mu­se­um Reut­lin­gen | konkret
    Eber­hard­stra­ße 14 (Wandel-​​Hal­len)
    72764 Reut­lin­gen

    Registration & Entry

    Entry fee: 10 € (for both performances this evening)
    Registration period: 13.11.–19.11.2020
    Registration for the individual events of the festival please via:

    Admission to the Kunstmuseum: 30 min before the event begins.