
  • AV Performance

Coïncidence is an audiovisual live act driven by a series of physical image-sound dependencies and their identifiable variables, creating an aesthetic based on technology and nature that has no origin in human activity. The project explores mechanisms of transmission of image and sound data in an area that is only partially predictable, in which the artists create "emergence" only by analyzing and processing it. Their artistic role consists in finding captivating forms, patterns and objects generated from musical analogies, sound references and interactivity. The artwork thus surprises both the audience and the artists, and creates aesthetic artifacts more or less by chance. In an always unique piece of generativity and performance, the physical and virtual merge in a symbiotic immersive environment.

    Where to see:

  • Friday



    Art Museum Reutlingen

    Kunst­mu­se­um Reut­lin­gen | konkret
    Eber­hard­stra­ße 14 (Wandel-​​Hal­len)
    72764 Reut­lin­gen

    Registration & Entry

    Entry fee: 10 € (for both performances this evening)
    Registration period: 23.10.–29.10.2020
    Registration for the individual events of the festival please via:

    Admission to the Kunstmuseum: 30 min before the event begins.