Wǔ Lǐ Yún Wù

  • Installative Sound Performance


Steel bridges connect people and places, just like cab drivers. After leaving the declining factories, they switched from steel to bicycles. Unwittingly, they have built their own safety net. Now they watch how former oil platforms become skeletons, dislocate and break open. The slow decay makes their subjects more and more alive. Their insides become tangible, visible, audible: when they breathe heavily, they crack and creak. Unconcrete noises penetrate from concrete blocks, caught in metal wires, hollow tubes and unknown structures. The bowels of a glorious past. The unsinkable ship is said to have landed at the bottom of the sea. Sometimes durable steel can be the most fragile.

    Where to see:

  • Saturday



    Art Museum Reutlingen


    Kunst­mu­se­um Reut­lin­gen | konkret
    Eber­hard­stra­ße 14 (Wandel-​​Hal­len)
    72764 Reut­lin­gen

    Registration & Entry

    Entry fee: 10 €
    Registration period: 19.02.–26.02.2021
    Registration for the individual events of the festival please via:

    Admission to the Kunstmuseum: 30 min before the event begins.