8r0wš3r Âmnēś1å

  • Interactive AV Performance


8r0wš3r Âmnēś1å (Browser Amnesia) is an audiovisual performance about the problems of surfing the Internet. It is a time-based composition performed with and about new technologies and reflects the current Internet: dopamine-driven web searches, distracting notifications, information overload, endless social media scroll spirals, etc. 8r0wš3r Âmnēś1å uses interactive multi-camera video feeds of the performer, which are contextualized in several scenes with web-related content. Sounds are generated using a microphone and a mix of different interactive technologies. Both audio and video are generated and performed in real-time. Sounds, images and actions are interactively linked and are in constant dialogue.

    Where to see:

  • Friday



    Art Museum Reutlingen


    Kunst­mu­se­um Reut­lin­gen | konkret
    Eber­hard­stra­ße 14 (Wandel-​​Hal­len)
    72764 Reut­lin­gen

    Registration & Entry

    Entry fee: 10 € (for both performances this evening)
    Registration period: 19.03.–26.03.2021
    Registration for the individual events of the festival please via:

    Admission to the Kunstmuseum: 30 min before the event begins.