Essence of Disappearance

  • Generative Sound Performance


The feeling of being trapped is a currently intense psychological and existential experience. "Essence of Disappearance" is a performance that penetrates the fear of global crisis and physical isolation and sets in motion the disappearance of time and the release from space. In the form of a sound ritual, the performance contrasts generative light systems as an expression of the aggression of domination. The performance experiments with the hierarchical power of the dictates of space over the human body. With the complete connection of artist and generative medium, a new practice of ritual is anticipated in the current turbulences we live in today.

    Where to see:

  • Friday



    Art Museum Reutlingen

    Kunst­mu­se­um Reut­lin­gen | konkret
    Eber­hard­stra­ße 14 (Wandel-​​Hal­len)
    72764 Reut­lin­gen

    Registration & Entry

    Entry fee: 10 € (for both performances this evening)
    Registration period: 19.03.–26.03.2021
    Registration for the individual events of the festival please via:

    Admission to the Kunstmuseum: 30 min before the event begins.